
saanichton law group arbitration

Arbitration is perhaps the most popular and widely known dispute resolution process and is a useful alternative to the time, costs and complexities associated with litigation.

Arbitration is a usually voluntary process that involves a neutral arbitrator examining a dispute between two parties, then rendering a resolution to solve the dispute. Unlike mediators in a mediation proceeding, arbitrators have the authority to issue a binding resolution to a dispute.

Our very own Brad Bianchin, lawyer at Saanichton Law Group, is a Qualified Arbitrator (Q. Arb) with certification from the Alternative Dispute Resolution Institute of Canada (ADRIC). As a Qualified Arbitrator, Brad is able to assist clients in resolving legal disputes without incurring the costs, time and complexities associated with civil litigation.

For further information on Arbitration, as well as our other practice areas, call us at (250) 544-0727 or email us at today.